Main Laboratory Sassuolo was established in 2007, and is ACCREDIA (n°1170L).

The laboratory is available to perform both standardized and customized tests in order to meet special company requirements. Our highly qualified staff can handle technical and technological material issues. We propose and study together with our customers an annual schedule of tests.

Since January 2019, the company headquarters has tripled in size, both the laboratory and the offices. The large spaces dedicated to instrumentation allow for optimisation in the management of materials, including large plates, with the consequent improvement of services both in terms of the variety of tests that can be performed and the speed of their execution.

Many years of experience, advanced instrumentation technology and continuous research have led Main Laboratory Sassuolo to expand its range of services by creating a center for the design, production, testing and assistance of laboratory instruments.

Since 2021 Main Laboratory Sassuolo has also been Notified Body by the European Community (n.2922).

The authorization decree is viewable at the link https://www.mainlaboratorysassuolo.it/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/DecretoAutorizzazione.pdf l’iscrizione al sito di Nando digitando https://www.mainlaboratorysassuolo.it/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/NANDO-notification-2023.pdf

The list of reports issued pursuant to Regulation (EU) 305/2011 is made available from the laboratory according to paragraph 5.5 of LEGISLATIVE DECREE 16 June 2017, n. 106) by making a request addressed to the following mailbox:


We work in partnership with our customers, and through applied research we can provide companies with increasingly advanced analysis tools geared to market needs and the solution of their problems. Our approach to quality certification is to meet the requirements of the regulations while maximizing the company’s consolidated know-how. Main Laboratory Sassuolo is able to provide ongoing training for specialized company personnel, testing and assistance on laboratory instruments.

We have a wide range of instruments, particularly modern, for carrying out tests and thanks to our division that designs and manufactures instrumentation for laboratories, we are significantly performing.

Thanks to more than a decade of experience and the cultural versatility of our personnel, we have acquired extensive skills that, combined with the possibility of developing/modifying test equipment, also allow us to offer and perform specific, customized tests to meet special requirements.


The list of tests for which Main Laboratory Sassuolo is accredited can be directly downloaded by connecting to the Accredia website, at the following link https://services.accredia.it/accredia_labsearch.jsp?ID_LINK=293area=7numeroaccr=1170classification=AisRestricted=falsedipartimento=L

Download the Accreditation Certificate and attached CPR Download the list of accredited tests

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The Laboratory provides testing services and manufactures equipment for the ceramic and building products sector.

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The company’s staff is high-profile and is available to companies both to perform predefined technical laboratory tests
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We provide technical support services for the ceramics, adhesives and related sectors about material certifications.